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Learn What To Order in Restaurant in Italy

Learn What To Order in Restaurant in Italy

Traveling to a foreign land is not complete without tasting the local delicacy and menu of the place. It wouldnt definitely be complete to travel in Italy without tasting the countrys own pasta and pizza. Just imagine, its like visiting the United States without...
How To Choose An Italian Wine for Your Dinner

How To Choose An Italian Wine for Your Dinner

Wine connoisseurs regularly boast about their fine Italian wine collections and rightly so. Even if youre not a connoisseur, by the end of this article youll be able to put your best Italian wine forward. Italy is best known for its Moscato, Barolo, Chianti, and...
Experience The Joy Of Eating At A Restaurant

Experience The Joy Of Eating At A Restaurant

Restaurants offering a variety of cuisines are dotted all over the United States. They provide not just lip-smacking food but a great ambience too. Most restaurants also pride hemselves on their standards of cleanliness. You can choose to sit in comfort and enjoy a...
Italian Cuisine: More Than Pasta

Italian Cuisine: More Than Pasta

Go to any family restaurant with Italian dining in mind and you are likely to order chicken parmesan, pasta alfredo, spaghetti and meatballs, or maybe a pizza. It is easy to think that some pasta, some marinara sauce, a crust of Italian bread and a glass of wine is...